Tuesday 20 November 2007

bata dance

howdy folks. well i had a pretty interesting weekend with a few highlights. here, finally, is a picture on my blog! i'm at the alake's palace in abeokuta attending the second anniversary of his coronation and the recommissioning of the palace's chapel. dating back to 1845 (i think), the church is the site of the first 'western' school in nigeria -- where the children of the yoruba kings attended classes with english tutors. unfortunately we were a wee bit late to the event so spent most of our time seated under the overflow canopy outside of the church. we then did some more waiting for food (i hear that abeokuta folks love their parties, and parties entail a lot of sitting and waiting for food). it was actually on the way out of the palace that i took the opportunity to learn some bata dancing -- 'traditional' dancing with drums. it was fun and, as always, generally entertaining to see an oyinbo try to dance. i'm wearing a suit made out of adire fabric -- a style of dyeing that hails from abeokuta.

there are more stories up my sleeve, but right now i have to go run some errands. love to all!

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