Friday 18 December 2009 Nigeria?

Hello out there, and Happy Midwinter!!!

So, we're resurrecting the Nija blog. Now, ' Nigeria' will become a space in which to educate ourselves and to imagine present and future possibilities. We are dreaming towards a living and livelihood of community, interconnectedness, engagement, and integrity back in West Africa. We are also practicing creating and inhabiting those qualities now, where we are, among the mountains of central Virginia. We are practicing to be more whole, to have more of ourselves and our lives present in the moments that pass, to be more ourselves and more each other, to listen and engage authentically with self and land and other, even as all of it changes all the time.

We wish to invite our loved and admired ones, (near and far, known and unknown), to interact with our dreams and despairs through this blog. We want your ideas -- links to sites that inspire you, information about practices that motivate you. We also want to listen and be listened to around those embodied practices that upset and pain us, that hold us back from stepping into what we are. All of it is important, and welcome.

We want to invite you to help us and to participate with us. Anything is possible. Want to follow this blog? Want to help us create an ecovillage in Nigeria's lush greenbelt? Want to cycle through West Africa with us - and interrogate what such a journey might achieve? Want to share and celebrate what you are already doing and dreaming - right here, right now?

Here are some ideas to get us started:

*Possible vocations and orientations*

volunteer emt brigades manned by university students
organic farming
climate organizing
direct democracy
create a space for workshoping
create a space for resting
oral history
alternative energies
mindfulness practicing and teaching -- acceptance
the work that reconnects
drama - playback, theatre of the oppressed, clowning, drama for development
photo-journalism (documenting the dying practice of facial marking)
cooperative business
social enterprise
sailing to london and cycling to nigeria
environmental negotiation and mediation

Comments? Additions? Revisions?

Thank you for visiting...

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