Wednesday 23 December 2009

last minute gift idea? consider giving water to those who need it most

A few years ago an old friend of mine - Ariane Kirtley - encountered the human face of climate change, and in response she founded Amman Imman: Water is Hope, an organization that drills wells to provide life-giving water to the people on this planet who need it most. The people of the Azawak in Niger are directly impacted by climate change, which has shortened the rainy season in an environment where survival was already difficult. Amman Imman's work is intelligent, effective, and inspiring. It focuses on local collaborations and on harnessing the ingenuity and compassion of volunteers. The result is low operating costs, with funds going directly to support the borehole projects that deliver water to thousands of people and animals and usher in other development projects. Through a beautiful initiative called Wells of Love, Montessori school children become Heroes of Compassion motivated to learn, teach, and fundraise to support their brothers and sisters in Niger. Just $50 can help ensure a child has clean water to drink...


Unknown said...

Getting the little kids to know that somewhere in the world there are kids like them who lack basic drinking water and encouraging them to do something for those kids far out in some remote African village is such a great way in building kind minds and introducing them to the reality of climate change….. I am hoping this will get those little minds to start probing and asking questions about the Earth……

eniitan-oyinbo said...

Thanks for your comment Eze! It is a very elegant idea, accomplishing many goods with one initiative (and all of our help of course)